French Level 1 (Conducted Online)

This 10-week course is designed to provide an insight to the targeted language and understanding of its culture. Participants will acquire basic reading, writing, and conversational skills and achieve communicative competence in simple everyday situations and personal interaction.
Course Details

Nett Fee after Government subsidy S$348.00

National University of Singapore (NUS)

30 hours over 10 sessions

6516 6612 / 6601 7836 / 6601 1067

Baranska Malwina
Course information is accurate as provided by course provider on 28 March 2023. For more information, please contact the course provider.
Trainer's Profile
Baranska Malwina
Ms Baranska Malwina is the Convenor for French language programme. She has come to NUS directly from France where she obtained her Master's degree in teaching French as a Foreign Language at the University of Franche-Comté of Besançon. She worked at the Center of Applied Linguistics (CLA) where she provided advice, assistance and recommendation on French language materials to students from all corners of the world. Ms Baranska is very familiar with Singapore as she studied at ISS International School of Singapore before heading off to Besançon and taught in Alliance Française of Singapore.
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