Science Centre Singapore

Ticket Prices for Seniors aged 60 and above (Singaporean / PR)
Science Centre Singapore
Non Peak - Free
Peak - S$4.00
Non Peak - Free
Peak - S$5.00


15 Science Centre Road, Singapore 609081

Organised By:
Singapore Science Centre

Terms and Conditions:
Purchase your tickets online before visiting the Science Centre Singapore, KidsSTOP™, Omni-Theatre and Snow City Singapore.
Members can visit here for more updates on membership benefits. For enquiries on membership, please write to
All members and guests are required to pre-book their tickets online in advance and arrive on time and to visit the Science Centre Singapore, KidsSTOP™, Omni-Theatre and Snow City Singapore within their selected date and time slot. Guests who have purchased admission tickets to the Omni-Theatre, KidsSTOP™ or Snow City Singapore are strongly encouraged to park their vehicles at the Omni-Theatre carpark at 21 Jurong Town Hall Road for convenience.